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Gotta be the pillar of faith again
Boldly walking mile upon mile
How I want to turn back
Someone cut me some slack
I'm really just a frightened child
Gotta stand let my light shine
I wanna keep it in just to be mine
When I'm told to be bold
To stand and to shine
I just wanna run
I just wanna hide
But I have this desire in my heart
To run after you
Only to be caught and in Your presance stand
That's all I want is more of you
I know you'll always be true
I'll always seek after You


A Poem For a Friend (tron's poem)
I don't know what you're going through
I can't say I understand
I can't feel you're pain
But I'm here for you
And love you my dear friend
As I look back on the past
And remember all the times
You were there for me
It makes me feel so good inside
Thats true friendship you see
I know at times I shall fail you
Because I'm just mortal man you know
God will never fail us and I know
That you know
Because you abide in that love
That flows down from our Father above
In Him you find you're strength to stand
That's where you get you're love
I know that you'll make it trough
Because you are so strong
It's in Him you stand
And you'll gain a great prize
In the long run