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Welcome To My Page!

Battle Cry

Carry the torch
Run into battle
Have no fear
That's not of our spirit
Be the light
Fight the fight
Win the war
Even the score
The time is now
We will win
Because He who is
In us is greater then
That which is in the world
It's time for us to take a stand
And take our generation back
For Jesus Christ!!

Follow Me

The hopes
The tears
The aspirations
And fears
The long life we live
Killing ourselves to live
Day to day we walk
empty and alone
Trying to find out way home
We're so lost
Why can't we just follow the cross
Why is it so hard to just believe
The faith of a child is all you need
He want's to save you
To let you live and be free
So He says "Come follow me!"

I Can

I can do all things
Because You make me strong
Everything you call me to
I know that I can do
Because I walk with you
You hold my hand
And give me the strength
To get up when I fall
I can do all things
Because You make me strong
Even when I think I'm weak
I can still hear you speak
I can do all things
Because You make me strong

Let me know what you think of my poetry!

I need to shed this sin from me
I need to be forgiven
I need to be free
I need to die
I need to rise
I need to be a light so bright
I need to run into the night
I need to run
I need to fight

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