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Outside My Window
Outside my window
A life is begun,
A woman is weeping,
A battle is won.
Outside my window
The world rushes on
May God touch one more heart
Before they're all gone.

Outside my window
A child is alone,
A daddy is leaving,
A lost dog is home.
Outside my window
The cold rain drops fall
Oh how can one person
Find them all?

Outside my window
A car flips three times,
A first drink is had,
A theif comments crimes.
Outside my window
Is something not mine.
I wish that my light had
The power to shine.

Outside my window
A Grandmother dies,
A man denies God,
A leader tells lies.
Outside my window
Are guns, knives and rope.
I dig through the rubble of
Hate to find hope.

Outside my window
A sick body heals,
A lover brings flowers,
A dead spirit feels.
Outside my window
There are others like me
They aren't moping shlter,
They're outside with the keys.

Outside my window
A step for me to take
A new door is open,
A sleepin soul awake
Outside my window
The world rushes on
May God touch them through me
Before I am gone.

You Know The truth
You know the truth
It's in your heart
You know it rather well
Now the choice is up to you
I know it feels like your
Being ripped in two
If we could trade places
I'd do it and make the
Choice for you
But we know that it's
Not possible, so come on
Let's not play games
Out time is short
The time is right now
You need to choose
What will be your end
It's your call
It's your decision
All I can say is
I'm here praying for you
And I know you know
The right thing to do
You've betrayed my friendship
My trust
My love
You've stabbed me in the back
Now I'm hurt, cold and alone
Will I ever find my true home
I'm destined to always be alone
I let myself get to close
I gave my trust away
Something I said I'd never do again
Now I'm just in pain again
I'm hurting inside
I weep into my pillow at night
Because of the thought of what you did
I take my hurt and pain to the only one who
Can help me, the only one I can trust
And once again I realize my one and only true

Always look to God, because men will always fail you.