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The Race
I see the light
I press forward for it
I run though many times
I fall
I will not fail by staying down
I know I have the strength to win
And when I finish this race called Life
A crown I will receive
A life with God eternally

Once a time I stood so strong
Now a time I took a fall
They looked at me and shame I felt
My poor heart I thought would melt

Now a time my strength renewed
Now a time I'll stand for You
I can't say that I'll never fall again
But I will stand and stand for him

And I know that if I should fall
He'll be there He'll carry my all
He'll help me lighten my load
If only I'll give him all the burdens of my soul
I can't keep it all myself
I can't give everyone all the help
I can't figure out everyone's problems
when I can't even figure out my own
I must seek Him and Him alone
And when I do I'll have the strength
To stand and stand I will
Because I know HE has the plan

This is confusion that I feel
I don't know what's real
The fire that once burned deep
Inside of me has somehow been
Put out
I want it back
It's what I lack
My life feels so unreal
So please tell me what to do
I want to burn for you
Jesus, I cry out to you
I spend hours on my knees
And yet I hear nothing
Is it just me
Is this something I hafta
Figure out on my own
Is it a lesson I hafta learn
Please I want to be a blazing
Fire again
A light that shines so bright
Be real to me that's what I want
The sureness I once had
A life in you so real and true
Please I know you don't ever leave me
I know you're here just please reveal
Yourself to me
I know you see my frustration
And what I am going through
Is it all in my head
I want it to be a real
True heart relation
So please as I sit here
And cry once more
Make Yourself real
I've opened the door
Now just show me
Am I not letting you in
What is it
What's wrong with me
Why don't I feel anything anymore
I want to feel you once more
Don't want this heart to be as cold as stone
Where is this path leading
I'm lost and cold and alone
Where are you
Did I lose you for good along the way
If that's it then I WANT YOU BACK
Maybe you don't hear me
Maybe I am alone
This is all VERY frustrating