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Behind Her Eyes
Behind her eyes of laughter
was a never ending pain.
Of lost hope and desperation
No key could unchain.

So many people passed her by
Never giving her a second glace,
of what she felt within herself
Never giving her the chance.

So one day while she was sitting
Alone and by herself;
She wrote a note of sadness
And left it on the shelf.

It said, "I'm sorry Mom, so sorry.
WIll you please forgive me and tell
Me you're not sad?"

They ran to where she was lying
And there upon her bed,
Lay a body cold and restless...
Innocent, sweet...but dead.

  A Friend Who Loves Me (Aaron's poem)
The knife is at my wrist
As I prepare to bleed
My body shakes
My soul trembles
As I fall on to my knees
I cry out in my need
Won't somebody save me?
And I hear a whisper
In my darkest hour
My lowest point
My final hour
It's an angel sent to me
To remind me and relay
God's never ending love for me
Masquerading as a friend
Giving me a hug saying
That he cares for me
I put the knife away as
I think of one who cares
And the thought of death
Behind me because
I know that someone loves me


I don't talk about the bruises
The ones that are within
The ones that you've inflicted
Time and time again

Every time you say something hurtful
You can't take back the pain
I'm black and blue and bleeding
But you can't say a thing

To heal the hurt
The pain you've caused
With words so sharp
They sting

I wish you could know
The pain that you have
Caused me

But then I realize
Someday you most likely will
When someone says things to you
You'll know just how I feel

  All I've Ever Known
I'm your average loser
The outcast
The screw up
The one in pain
You don't know it
Because you pass me everyday not
A smile or hello to help ease the bitter pain
You don't know what I feel like inside
Because you don't care to ask
The time it would take you to
Talk to a friend is the
Time it would take you to help make me whole again
But you can't make that sacrifice to help this dying soul in need
Your selfish Christian attitude is what repels me
You look me in the eyes and always walk right on by
Your loving God is in your heart and yours alone For me there's only pain
Pain's all I've ever known