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No Longer Lose
Can't explain all this madness
That's stolen all our gladness
These actions of this generation
That I'm supposed to be a part of
Can't make excuses any longer
He's knocking at the door
Can't we just open up and be stronger
But we ignore the knock
We choose to turn around and walk
The gifts He wants to give us
Are so much greater then
The things of this world that we choose
Why aren't we seeing how much we lost
What will it take for us to open that door
What will bring us to that point
When we choose to no longer lose

All I'll Ever Need
Things change
People come
People go
Friend's leave me stranded
You know the ones who said
I'll always be there for you.
Well they're not here now
I've heard it said that a person
Is only as good as their word
So what does that make them
I was there when they needed
A listening ear or a shoulder to cry on
I was there
In the middle of my struggles
And tears where are they
Only a phone call away
No they can't talk now
Too busy we'll talk later
But later never comes
I wait and wait for my listening ear
But it was already here all
I had to do was look to the Father
Not only will He listen
But He'll help heal
If you're in that place so often like me
You're not alone
Jesus He'll be there
He'll be your listening ear
You're shoulder to cry on
And your best friend
He's all you'll ever need
The Voice Of God

I hear a baby cry
It wakes me from my sleep
A sound of God
It gives me peace
I stand outside in the wind
Something I can't see
Yet believe in
His voice in the wind
In a baby's cry
In a good friend
Who speaks to me
Who gave me life
The peace I seek
The rest I find
In Him
I see His works
In a new way
My eyes are opened
And my ears can hear
His voice in a new way

You're Light

Cause you let you're light shine
You touched my heart
Cause you let you're light shine
A fire it did start
A blaze from above
Engulfing the whole world
You let you're light shine
And He poured out His love
A life you did change
With you're light that shines so bright
So bright that it even penetrates
The darkness of night

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A Time For All Things
A time to die,
A time to live,
A time to tear,
A time to mend,
What happens if my time comes too soon?

A time to die,
A time to live,
A time to weep,
A time to laugh,
What happens when I'm weeping inside?
Do I weep on the outside?

A time to hate,
A time to love,
A time to sow,
A time to reap,
When you're taught to hate, can you learn to love?
When you sow, what will you reap?

A time to mourn,
A time to dance,
A time to love,
A time to hate,
Shall I dance while I'm mourning?

A time to embrace
And a time to refrain,
A time to be silent,
And a time to speak,
When is the right time?
Do I speak my mind or hold my tongue?
Do I hug you or let you go?

A time to search
And a time to give up,
A time for war and
A time for peace,
Shall I kill my enemy?

River Of God
My cup is so empty
I've knocked it over and spilled
Can you help me pick it up
I want to be filled
My cup is so empty
I am so dry
Fill me to overflowing
It's my desire to be a
river of you
life everlasting
this is the truth
Fill me Lord this I pray
Fill me Lord everyday
I will renew my mind each day
In your word it is the way
Let your river flow through me
Let me touch them that they might see