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Hey Look More Poems!!

A Thousand Tears
I've cried a thousand tears
And each one hit the floor.
I want to open up my heart
But I've reached out before.
I really wish the pain would stop.
That my soul would cry no more.
So I try to fix the pain alone
But it leads to closed doors.

No Place To Hide
Close your eyes in sorrow
Breathe beneth the pain
Listen to the silence
Live your life in vain
You never will relinquish
The doubts you'll always know
Listen to the silence
As the stillness grows
Cry alone in madness
Feel the pain reside
In your heart of darkness
Where you find no place to hide.

In Your Hands

I'm dying
I'm dying
Wish I was lying
When will the hurting stop
You give no answer
You say hang in there
But you don't understand
You don't even listen
Because of people like you
I am here where I am
Just ignore me
Don't try to understand
Just let me die
In your hands